The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Saturday, February 17, 2007

On the other side

When I first moved to Berkeley I wondered why the "older" student families didn't do a lot with us. I thought that it was a reflection on who we were. Perhaps with some it was, but now I'm realizing that it's more about being tired and having new goals. Now with having only a few more months in the area our goals have changed. We're not as excited about meeting new people, we just want to spend as much time as possible with the friends that we have. We want to see how many Settlers games we can get in before July; how many good restaurants we can go to; how many times we can have Rook competitions; etc. . . Now we just want to hunker down with those we love before we don't see them as often.
Some people have said that I don't seem sad to leave. Au contriare. I just know that if I don't try to see what is good about leaving that I'll spend the next few months in a depressed state. It's not fun knowing that you have to leave what you love so much.
I know that I'll make it. Many of you have shown me that life still goes on after one leaves Berkeley. It's just hard so see that right now. But I know that in a year or so I'll be saying once again that I understand what the other side is feeling.


Blogger M-L said...

My heart goes out to you! I remember being at Trader Joe's and feeling the pain of our forthcoming move... Enjoy the last few months. There is one thing that I intended to do before leaving and that I still regret not having done: I wanted to take pictures of all our favorite places (parks, restaurants, shops, libraries, museums, walks...) I still talk about our "Bekeley days" with the kids. People, they remember because we still have contacts with our good friends, places are harder (how can I let them forget Habitot when that is where they took their first steps, or the Cheese Board where they were exposed to the best pizzas) I really need pictures to back me up in my effort to make the memories last.
Linda you are right to think that things will be good where you are moving to, that new friends will come and that a new pace of life will take over. Keep that in mind even if the first few months are challenging!

9:32 PM


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