The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Ethan is 7!

On December 31st we celebrated Ethan's birthday with many family members and young cousins. The party culminated into a parade around the house with children marching to the loud sound of their banging of spoons on metal pans and lids... the new year had arrived into our home a little short of 9pm that night...
Ethan is a great boy! We love him and are so grateful for all the joy he brings into our family.

The chocolate cake here is baked in a bundcake pan in the Fennimore fashion, we filled up the center with frozen berries and iced it with melted chocolate and cream... now here is the recipe and remember to put as much chocolate as you like it!
1. 1/2 cup of boiling water
8 oz dark cooking chocolate

2. 1 cup butter
2 cups sugar

3. 4 egg yolks

4. 1 t. vanilla

Warm the oven 350. In a bowl you mix all the ingredients in 1. In another bowl mix 2, then add 3 and 4.

5. 2 1/2 cups cake flour
1 t. soda
1/2 t. salt
1 cup buttermilk

Mix all the dry ingredients (5) in yet another bowl. Then add the wet ingredients to the dry ones. Fold in 4 egg whites stiftly beaten.
Bake for 40 to 45 minutes.
This cake is even better the day after! Let me know what you think! I am sorry for the poor write out of the recipe, I hope you can decipher it!
Here are a few cook books I really enjoy right now:
Enchanted Broccoli Forest (Mollie Katzen)
Vegetables Everyday (Jack Bishop)
The Silver Spoon (Also known as the bible of authentic Italian cooking!)
The American Boulangerie (Pascal Rigo)

I wish you a very happy new year!
Lot's of love!


Blogger Suzie Petunia said...

I can attest to the yumminess of the culinary birthday treat! It was delicious! Even though I hadn't been feeling well all day and skipped most of dinner... I still indulged in this cake! I feel so grateful to have been able to celebrate with you! Ethan is such a smart and handsome young man!

8:17 PM

Blogger Darlene said...

Hey, Marie-Laure, this is Darlene Young from Berkeley days. You probably hardly remember me because we left right after you came, I think. But we have acquaintances, and a love for Berkeley, in common. I got this link off of Suzie Petunia's blog (and I can't remember where I got hers from!) but I've enjoyed strolling through memory lane here. Zachary's! Cheeseboard! The rain and the smell of the trees . . . I'm homesick for it now.

9:35 AM

Blogger Karen said...

I can't believe how "BIG" Ethan is. He looks just like Chip in his button down shirt. It was so great to see you guys at Christmas. Thanks for hosting us! I can't wait to try your cake recipe. Everything you make is so yummy.

8:55 AM

Blogger Jennette said...

Oh, my mouth is already I miss ML's original decadent chocolate and ever-delicious chocolate cake. In fact, I still remember the first time I had this cake. One Monday evening when both of us had recently moved into the Berkeley ward, ML and Chip called us up to see if we wanted to have FHE with them that night because they had a chocolate cake to share. They brought it up to our place when we were living at the Glasers (and both of us were childless at the time--can you imagine!) It was the first of many wonderful cake moments. But, I admit, you've really made me smile to know that you made this cake for Ethan's b-day in a Bundt pan! However, it is no surprise that your recipe sounds better than anything that I ever made in a Bundt pan. I'll have to try this one soon. And, big (belated) Birthday Hugs to Ethan from us!

6:24 PM

Blogger M-L said...

Darlene it is good to hear from you! I do remember you!
Jennette, this cake recipe is not he French chocolate cake that we ate so many times in Berkeley (the French recipe asks for only 1/4 c of flour)I will post that recipe too if you are interested...

8:47 PM


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