The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

All dressed up with no place to go!

Do not leave Berkeley without visiting the many sari stores on University avenue. The one that Chip picked for me is yellow and blue and so much fun! Where, do you ask, will I wear my sari? Probably at a BYU production... what do you say?


Blogger Mary Ann said...

It is absolutely gorgeous! Katie and I will join you at the event!

6:14 AM

Blogger Seamore Tomato said...

Wow! I've been tempted for so many years by those stores. I'm going to go in one of these days when I don't have the kids. I'm just excited to dress up in the store!

9:38 PM

Blogger Jennette said...

It's're gorgeous! You'll be a smash hit in it wherever you go.

9:43 PM


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