The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Halloween Devin!

With Halloween approaching I'm reminded of one of my top ten Berkeley moments. It happened last year at the Ward Halloween party.

Dorothy asked Devin(with her mischevious twinkle)

"Are you hoping to get laid under the Christmas tree this year?"


Blogger M-L said...

So what is up your sleeves this Halloween? And when do we get to see your cute baby?

6:17 AM

Blogger Seamore Tomato said...

You'll have to wait and see. You know much of a secret these things are! (And if you wait, it will give me more time to figure out!)

11:09 AM

Blogger M-L said...

And Oh! Dorothy is just so funny!

12:13 PM


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