The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

11 a.m. and still in my pjs . . .

Jennette - we miss you too! Linda and I are always saying how much we miss you guys and the whole firelane crowd. Berkeley isn't them same without you. Our lack of space sometimes makes me lose perspective on how great this place really is. Thanks for the reminder!

I'm amazed on a daily basis how easy you all made having more than one child look. I'm barely able to get out of the house with all of us dressed, fed, and mostly happy by 11:00 a.m. You're all super moms in my book! Any tricks to pass on? Having two makes me better understand the God of the Old Testament. Israelites, you're being naughty - time out for at least forty years! Trials? I can't help you right now these other people are having bigger problems I'll get to you in a decade or so. Hopefully that doesn't sound too sacriligious. Please post any advice you might have for surviving 2+ kids!

Above is our latest picture of Talia and one of Siena's favorite new trick - jumping from our couch to her bean bag chair as her alter ego "SUPER DOG!".


Blogger Seamore Tomato said...

Wow! That picture of Siena is incredible. I'm excited for the next time she's here. I want to see her jump like "Super Dog!"

10:46 AM

Blogger Jennette said...

Just last week one day as it was nearing noon Max asked me why I was still in my pajamas. I'm still looking for some guidance myself. I will always admire Marie-Laure on this front! More than a few times had I seen her before 9:30 a.m. returning from Berkeley Bowl, already having dropped Ethan off at school, in addition to having been up early enough to go swimming or running that morning. Sure enough then she'd be loading her dressed girls off to the park or the library. If I can get the kids dressed, fed, and myself showered before 9 a.m. then it's a really good day.

7:41 AM


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