The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Monday, September 18, 2006

These are some of my favorite things...

A few random things I miss about Berkeley:
1. Smelling the fragrance of the flowers as I walk through town
2. Seeing the fog roll in through the Golden Gate and cover the Bay area with a white coat of moisture
3. The view of the city from our apartment especially at night when nursing a baby or comforting a toddler. The magic in the twinkling of the lights and the beauty of the sun sets
4. The parade on May 1st that walks all the way to campus on Telegraph
5. Bumper stickers, especially political ones against the current government
6. Going to the Cheese Board and testing all kinds of cheeses before meticulously choosing one
7. Taking the kids to all the fun museums
8. Basking in that perfect sunlight on any given afternoon (or almost any afternoon)
9. The food culture
10. People walking places


Blogger Jennette said...

I second your list! These days I've really missed the blinking Berkeley lights out of my window when up at night nursing a baby. I also loved the way the Golden Gate Bridge looked early in the morning as the sun was coming up over the hills....the direct light made the red on the bridge just pop. That sure was a million-dollar view.

9:46 PM


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