The life, times and memories of Berkeley and beyond...

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Sorry I've been absent from the blog for so long - Talia (our 10 day old baby girl!) and I have been debating how to handle the nuclear testing in North Korea for hours on end. That girl has some strong opinions already! Actually, I just spend my day in pj's and drink gallons of water at a time while Mike waits on me - so I have no great excuse for not blogging.

Here are some funny antics from Siena lately.

- She built a tower of pillows on the couch and kept saying "oh no, it's going to tipple!" I guess it makes sense if something can tip it should be able to tipple (not topple) too.

- We were negotiating how many books I'd read her before her nap and initially I had said two. She countered with three and I said that was fine as long as she promised to really try to go to sleep. She then said that she'd rather have two books instead.

- She likes to mimic everything I do with Talia on her doggie. While I was nursing Talia she grabbed my nursing pad and put it over her nipple and walked around the house.

She's quite a character.

I hope all is well with the rest of you. Blog soon!


Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy Halloween Devin!

With Halloween approaching I'm reminded of one of my top ten Berkeley moments. It happened last year at the Ward Halloween party.

Dorothy asked Devin(with her mischevious twinkle)

"Are you hoping to get laid under the Christmas tree this year?"

Sunday, October 01, 2006

All dressed up with no place to go!

Do not leave Berkeley without visiting the many sari stores on University avenue. The one that Chip picked for me is yellow and blue and so much fun! Where, do you ask, will I wear my sari? Probably at a BYU production... what do you say?